
10% de diputados colombianos en la cárcel

Por supuesto, los asociados a Uribe, a los "paras" (grupos paramilitares) y al narco. ¿Será por eso tanto cortejo que recibió este títere gringo por parte de la ultraderecha mexicana?

Ten percent of Colombia's 268 federal lawmakers are behind bars and another 10 percent, including the Senate's president, are under investigation. And with the arrest of a cousin this week, the scandal has grown uncomfortably close to President Alvaro Uribe, Washington's closest ally in Latin America.

The scandal revolves around allegations that illegal right-wing paramilitaries helped pro-Uribe lawmakers and governors get elected as they rid much of Colombia of left-wing guerrilla bands. In some cases, the politicians are accused of plotting killings with warlords.

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