
¿El final del capitalismo tal como lo conocemos?

"La desintegración de los mercados inspirados por los anglo-sajones ha llegado en gran parte por la confluencia de dos tendencias del 'libre mercado': La especulación y el capitalismo monopólico. Contrariamente a la concepción común, los 'mercados libres' -a menos que estén sujetos a regulaciones civiles, distribución de activos e INTERVENCION PERSISTENTE- SIEMPRE TIENDEN AL MONOPOLIO". Nada más cierto que lo que ocurre en México.

The disintegration of Anglo-Saxon-inspired markets has come about largely because of the confluence of two tendencies of the "free market": speculation and monopoly capitalism. Contrary to received opinion, free markets – unless subject to civil regulation, asset distribution and persistent intervention – always tend to monopoly.

Similarly, there is nothing inherently efficient about free markets – they do not of themselves promote sound investment or wise management. Rather, when markets are conceived wholly in terms of price and return, and when asset wealth and the leverage that this provides becomes as concentrated as it was in the 19th century (which is a scenario we are approaching), then markets encourage nothing other than gambling masking itself as sound investment.

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