
Juzgados portátiles se levantan en Guantánamo

Si George Orwell lo hubiera visto, no lo creería. Su novela 1984 está siendo superada por la realidad del "Big Brother" americano. Increíble.
GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — If everything goes according to plan, trials of detainees could begin here soon in a court building now under construction next to an unused runway set against the glittering sea.

But in the five-year effort to prosecute Guantánamo detainees, very little has gone according to plan. So, to be ready for all eventualities, the Pentagon’s new judicial complex is portable — a prefabricated but very high-tech court building surrounded by trailers, moveable cells, concertina wire and a tent city — all of which has been shipped here in pieces that could be unplugged, disassembled and put back together somewhere else.

“You can pick it up and move it,” Lt. Col. James Starnes, the commander of the Air National Guard unit doing the work, said recently over the din of construction equipment cutting into the sun-baked coral.

The complex, including the tent city dubbed Camp Justice, may be the perfect architecture for the long-running limbo that is Guantánamo. Officials from President Bush on down have said they would like to close Guantánamo, yet the administration is just as eager to show progress in trying some of the 330 detainees, most of whom have been held for years without formal charges.

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