
Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores alemán: Israel atacará Irán en el futuro cercano

Joschka Fischer, el ministro de relaciones exteriores alemán, debe saber algo. Y el atacar irán sobre un supuesto "programa de armas nucleares" será, en verdad, el inicio de una conflagración mundial.
Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer says Israel is planning to attack Iran in the near future over its nuclear program.

He wrote a piece that appeared in today's Daily Star, an English-language Lebanese newspaper, arguing that President Bush's recent visit to the Middle East was a precursor to a war against Iran.

"The Middle East is drifting toward a new great confrontation in 2008. Iran must understand that without a diplomatic solution in the coming months, a dangerous military conflict is very likely to erupt. It is high time for serious negotiations to begin," he said.

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