
Fobaproa al estilo americano

Parece que no sólo en México se permite a los banqueros quebrar "sus" bancos para después ser rescatados por el dinero público. Estados Unidos lo está considerando e Inglaterra nacionalizó el primer banco víctima de esta brutal crisis. Este es el verdadero capitalismo salvaje: Privatizar las ganancias y socializar las pérdidas. Negociazo.
WASHINGTON: Over the past two decades, few industries have lobbied more ferociously or effectively than banks to get the government out of its business and to obtain freer rein for "financial innovation."

But as losses from bad mortgages and mortgage-backed securities climb past $200 billion, talk among banking executives about a major government rescue plan is suddenly coming into fashion.

A confidential proposal that Bank of America circulated earlier this month to members of Congress provides a stunning glimpse of how quickly the industry has reversed its laissez-faire disdain for second-guessing by the government, now that it is in trouble.

The proposal warns that as much as $739 billion in mortgages is at "moderate to high risk" of default over the next five years and that millions of families could lose their homes.

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