
20,000 veteranos de Irak con daño cerebral no están listados en los totales del Pentágono

Cuando menos 20,000 heridos con daño cerebral no se han incluido en los totales publicados por el Pentágono, que sólo reporta 30,327 heridos. Es decir, hay más de 50,000 veteranos de EU heridos en la guerra de Irak, cuando menos. Parece que no es la "victoria" que Bush declaró hace tres años como "misión cumplida".
At least 20,000 U.S. troops who were not classified as wounded during combat in Iraq and Afghanistan have been found with signs of brain injuries, according to military and veterans records compiled by USA TODAY.
The data, provided by the Army, Navy and Department of Veterans Affairs, show that about five times as many troops sustained brain trauma as the 4,471 officially listed by the Pentagon through Sept. 30. These cases also are not reflected in the Pentagon's official tally of wounded, which stands at 30,327.

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