
Las aseguradoras de bonos hipotecarios necesitan un "inyección" de US$200,000 millones más

Después de la billonaria inyección de dinero al "sistema" financiero internacional, de más de $1.5 billones (millones de millones) de dólares hasta el momento, bancos, hipotecarias y otras instituciones no tienen suficiente capital para operar. Esta crisis no ha tocado fondo, al contrario, se agravará en las próximas semanas.

America's biggest mortgage bond insurers collectively need a $200 billion (£101 billion) capital injection if they are to maintain their key AAA credit ratings, a figure that dwarfs a plan by New York regulators to put together a capital infusion of up to $15 billion, a leading ratings expert said yesterday.

The failure to maintain their AAA ratings will lead to a further round of multibillion-dollar writedowns among the Wall Street banks and other large owners of the bonds, Sean Egan, of Egan Jones Ratings Company, said.

It would also push some of them into receivership, Mr Egan added.

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