
El FMI advierte que el estancamiento de EU está esparciéndose por el mundo

Mmmmm, deberían venir entonces a México, ¡aquí no pasa nada!
OTTAWA -- Financial turbulence is carrying the U.S. slump to the rest of the world, and now the global economy is in the midst of a serious slowdown, the International Monetary Fund said yesterday.

"It will be very hard for even the most effective countercyclical policy to keep any country from having some slowdown in these circumstances," said the IMF's chief economist, Simon Johnson.

"No one is exempt from a global slowdown. That is why you call it 'global.' "

He was updating the IMF's world economic outlook, which now forecasts global growth of 4.1 per cent this year, after 4.9 per cent for 2007. The forecast is gloomier than three months ago, when the IMF projected global growth of about 4.4 per cent, mainly because the United States is slowing rapidly, and faltering in Europe and Japan.

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