No sólo eso, sino que la Corte decide que la tortura es el resultado previsible de la detención por el ejército de los "enemigos combatientes". Si esto no es fascismo, no sé qué puede ser. Creo que ni Hitler fue tan descarado al tratar de justificar las injusticias cometidas en su tiempo.
In a 43-page opinion, Circuit Judge Karen Lecraft Henderson found that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a statute that applies by its terms to all “persons” did not apply to detainees at Guantánamo, effectively ruling that the detainees are not persons at all for purposes of U.S. law. The Court also dismissed the detainees’ claims under the Alien Tort Statute and the Geneva Conventions, finding defendants immune on the basis that “torture is a foreseeable consequence of the military’s detention of suspected enemy combatants.” Finally, the Court found that, even if torture and religious abuse were illegal, defendants were immune under the Constitution because they could not have reasonably known that detainees at Guantánamo had any constitutional rights.
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