
Bush ignora la advertencia de la IAEA de que NO hay evidencia de que Irán busca construir armas nucleares

La histora se repite, 4 años después. Las mismas mentiras, los medios de "comunicación" evitando a toda costa cuestionar lo evidente, los personeros de EU gritando a garganta abierta que Irán es un peligro para el mundo... Y Bush haciendo a un lado a los organismos internacionales para continuar sus guerras. El atacar e invadir Irán provocará una conflagración de la que nadie puede saber las consecuencias. Bien puede iniciar la 3a. guerra mundial, como el mismísimo Bush se atrevió declarar. Los locos han tomado el manicomio.

The United States on Monday brushed aside the UN nuclear watchdog agency chief's warning that there was no proof Iran seeks atomic weapons, and invited him to stay out of diplomacy with Tehran.

Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told CNN Sunday that he had no evidence Iran was building nuclear weapons and accused US leaders of adding "fuel to the fire" with their warlike rhetoric.

"He will say what he will. He is the head of a technical agency," US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters. "I think we can handle diplomacy on this one."

"We appreciate the work that the IAEA is performing but it is the member states of the international community that are going to be responsible of the diplomacy with respect to Iran and its nuclear program," said McCormack.

At the White House, spokeswoman Dana Perino said there was no doubt about Iran's plans because "this is a country that is enriching and reprocessing uranium and the reason that one does that is to lead towards a nuclear weapon."

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