
Tortura, paramilitarismo, ocupación y genocidio

On October 5, George Bush confronted a public uproar and defended his administration claiming "This government does not torture people." Again he lied. Once secret US Department of Justice (DOJ) legal opinions confirm the Bush administration condones torture by endorsing "the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the Central Intelligence Agency." It also condones paramilitary thuggery, oppressive occupation, and genocide. This unholy combination is the ugly face of an imperial nation run by war criminals. That's the state of things today. First, the practice of torture...

¿Y México? Haciendo "acuerdos" de "cooperación" con el país más odiado en el mundo. Lo que nos hace un blanco para los enemigos de EU. Perfecto, gracias Calderón. "Para vivir mejor".

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