The Vatican was last night at the centre of an unusually public sex scandal after acknowledging it had suspended a senior official who was filmed apparently propositioning a young man in his office.
Monsignor Tommaso Stenico, a capo ufficio, or section head, at the Vatican ministry responsible for the clergy, insisted yesterday he was not gay. He said he had posed as a homosexual to research a plot by satanists...
A programme broadcast on October 1 by La7 - the only national channel not owned by Silvio Berlusconi or the state - included a sequence it said had been filmed secretly in a Vatican office. The six-minute sequence was said to have been captured by a young man who had come into contact with a Vatican official via an internet chatroom.
He was invited to have sado-masochistic sex and arrangements were made for a meeting in St Peter's Square. Unknown to the older man, the other man, who said he wanted to expose the hypocrisy of the Catholic church, arrived equipped with concealed video and audio recording equipment.
It is the latest of several recent embarrassments for the Catholic church in Italy. One of its best-known priests, renowned for his care of drug addicts, is being investigated for sex abuse. And prosecutors in both Turin and Siena are looking into claims of sex abuse and financial wrongdoing by senior church officials.
¿Qué hay con la "iglesia" y la homosexualidad, la pederastia, las "desviaciones sexuales"? Si el celibato es el pretexto para las perversiones ocultas de los sacerdotes, entonces, ¿no es mejor abolir el celibato y permitirles una vida sexual sana? Particularmente grave es la pederastia, la violación de menores, tan negada y ocultada por los jerarcas, y devastadora para las víctimas.
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