
Bancos extranjeros escapan de la deuda hipotecaria española

¡Shhhhhhh! ¡No se lo digan a nadie! Es uno de los "secretos" que los multimedia mafiosos mexicanos jamás dirán a micrófono abierto. A España se le ha "vendido" como el milagro económico a seguir... Pero NINGUN comentarista de los medios masivos en México se atreverá a informar que España es el segundo país con mayor déficit comercial del mundo (con una brutal deuda de $126,000 millones de dólares) sólo superado por Estados Unidos. Es decir, su crecimiento económico ha sido resultado de endeudamiento sin precedentes y que al parecer comienza a derrumbarse. Hay que preguntar cuál es el estado de los bancos españoles en México, Satander (¿Santander?) y Bancomer (BBVA).
International banks are scrambling to sell their holdings of Spanish mortgage debt at a steep discount, fearing that the country may be sliding into the worst economic downturn in its modern history.

A blizzard of grim data has soured the mood, capped yesterday by a plunge in PMI purchasing managers' index to an all-time low of 40.9. Car sales fell 28pc in March, and even Madrid's legendary tapas bars seem to have lost their late-night sparkle.

Inmobiliaria Colonial - once the country's biggest property group --is in emergency talks with banks after Dubai's Investment Corporation pulled out of a rescue deal.

Developer Martinsa Fadesa is struggling to restructure €5bn of debt to stave off insolvency.

Traders says the market price for Spanish mortgage securities has begun to slide abruptly, replicating the pattern seen in the US last year. Large French and German funds and insurers appear to be liqudiating assets in a pre-emptive move, afraid being caught yet again in a violent downturn.

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