
CNN: Reporte de EU indica que Irán detuvo su programa nuclear de "armas" en 2003

Lo dicho, alguien en la cadena de comando decidió que era suficiente, que la guerra contra Irán no iba a suceder y rompió con los rangos superiores. Esto modifica radicalmente el nuevo plan invasor de Bush. Si CNN se atrevió a publicarlo, es que algo tajante ha ocurrido. CNN es el medio por excelencia del gobierno bushiano (junto con Fox News, of course).
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Iran halted work toward a nuclear weapon under international scrutiny in 2003 and is unlikely to be able to produce enough enriched uranium for a bomb until 2010 to 2015, a U.S. intelligence report says.

A declassified summary of the latest National Intelligence Estimate found with "high confidence" that the Islamic republic stopped an effort to develop nuclear weapons in the fall of 2003.

The estimate is less severe than a 2005 report that judged the Iranian leadership was "determined to develop nuclear weapons despite its international obligations and international pressure."

But the latest report says Iran -- which declared its ability to produce enriched uranium for a civilian energy program in 2006 -- could reverse that decision and eventually produce a nuclear weapon if it wanted to do so.

Enriched uranium at low concentrations can be used to fuel nuclear power plants, but much higher concentrations are needed to yield a nuclear explosion.

"We judge with moderate confidence that the earliest possible date Iran would be technically capable of producing enough highly enriched uranium for a weapon is late 2009, but that this is very unlikely," the report says. A more likely time frame for that production is between 2010 and 2015, it concludes.

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